Neil and Dannelle came up with Josie and James in tow. It made Thanksgiving lots of fun! Josie and James got socks for mittins so that we could play out in the snow for a bit. Anabel ran away but was found after Robert went out and searched. This made for a huge ordeal inside with Alestair, James and Josie. Alestair even checked the basement calling "Belle! My Belles!". Josie did the same. We played games and had a lovely turkey which we didnt get a picture of.... Robert made my dad's pumkin pie reciepe and an apple pie. Neil made two sweet potatoe pies and we had all the regular fixins to go with the turkey. With far more food than anyone there would have or could have eaten it really felt like Thanksgiving! Dave joined us for pie and game playing even!
This one reminds me of Winnie the Pooh...Its Alestair.
Cute little James.

The one below is just pretty and I like that Alestair is in it. Robert, Neil and James had a snow fight...not snowball just snow. The snow was way powdery so it was hard to make a snow ball.